Bündnis Wissenschaft is an association of UKE scientific staff from all academic occupational groups. Our main goals are to strengthen science and to improve the often difficult employment situation of scientists. We represent your interests in the Scientific Staff Council, the Faculty Council and the Board of Trustees.
Bündnis Wissenschaft demands…
(1) Consistent application of the minimum length of 3 years for the initial contract and a minimum remuneration of E13/65% for doctoral candidates. Scientific qualification needs planning reliability!
(2) A minimum length of 5 years for the initial contracts of postdocs and physicians in medical training. Research, teaching, clinical care, and further qualification need reliable general conditions!
(3) A binding perspective for a permanent contract after 10 or more years of employment. Continued fixed-term contracts are an unnecessary burden on employees!Permanent positions for permanent tasks in research, teaching, and clinical care!
(4) A binding advancement perspective for scientists by raising their remuneration group from E13 to E14 after 10 years of employment at the latest!
(5) Central support for administrative tasks (animal experiment application, ethics vote, QM) as well as improved appreciation of activities as supervisors and reviewers (bachelor’s/master’s theses, doctoral theses, publications). Granting spare time for research for interested doctors.
(6) Better appreciation of teaching. Good teaching needs resources for equipment and time!
(7) Long-term development perspectives for current employees in the event of a change in senior management in an institute or clinic.
(8) The option for home office and mobile working in personal responsibility of an employee – even after the end of the Corona pandemic.