Call for vote: Election to the Academic Senate of the University of Hamburg

Dear colleagues,

the numerous tasks of the University of Hamburg are organized and controlled by many bodies of academic self-administration. One of its core bodies is the Academic Senate (Akademischer Senat). The Senate is constituted by 19 members, elected by their respective status groups: Ten professors and three members of the academic staff, three members of the technical/administrative staff and three students.

The Academic Senate is involved in all important decisions of the University of Hamburg (e.g. appointment and dismissal of the University president; establishment of plans for equality; establishment, changing and ending of degree courses; legal guidelines for examination and study regulations and elects equal opportunity commissioners and representatives for students with disabilities or chronic diseases).

The Academic Senate takes a stand in all substantial university issues (e.g. principles of equipment, distribution of funds, economic planning) and has far-reaching competencies in the organization of the self-administration units of the University of Hamburg.

The Academic Senate has the right to obtain information from the Executive University Board and give recommendations in all matters of importance for the university as a whole.

The ballot papers will be sent to your home address within the next few days. Your vote has to be mailed by postal service to the university voting office (Wahlamt der Universität, Mittelweg 177, 20148 Hamburg) before 17th of January 2018; 2 p.m. An envelope with the address of the voting office will be included in the ballot papers.

The voting results will probably be published on the 22nd of January 2018.

The group „Bündnis Wissenschaft/Allicance4Science“ ( is applying for the seat of the academic staff/UKE in the Academic Senate (List No. 2 on the ballot paper).

Wahlvorschlag / Electoral list
Mitglied/Member Stellvertretung/Deputy member
1 Thomas Zimmermann (Allgemeinmedizin/General Medicine – Primary Care) Barbara Finckh (Diagnostikzentrum/Center for Diagnostics)
2 Kerstin Röser (Biochemie/Biochemistry) Marcus Nalaskowski (Biochemie/Biochemistry)

„Bündnis Wissenschaft/Alliance4Science“ is an association of about 60 UKE scientists. All academic professions are represented. Our aims are especially the improvement of the often difficult situations of the academic professionals (keywords: termed contracts, duration of contracts, precarious employment).

We ask you to support the „Bündnis Wissenschaft“, casting your vote! So we will be able to take care for the interests of the academic colleagues in the UKE in the future.

Every vote counts! Thank you for your support.

Best regards
The colleagues of „Bündnis Wissenschaft“

Don’t hesitate to contact us: